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品牌: Anthis Model: 41348
[说明] Nexus的旗舰防水壳D3x/s,具有广泛配件选择及合理的价格,为专业水下摄影师的最佳选择. 防水壳体材质采铝合金铸造而成,所以重量为市场上最轻体积最小,外表的加强防腐蚀阳极氧化处理,在长时间的使用下依旧如新 防水壳操作功能键完全符合人体工学设计 [规格] 耐水深: 75m 颜色: 银色 重量: 2550g (含握把) 材质: 耐腐蚀铝合金铸件 尺寸: 330 x 230 x 131 mm (含握把) [选购配件] 机身盖 M4 BC-4 #15360 ..
品牌: Anthis Model: 43300
[说明] Nexus D700防水壳,镜头罩尺寸为 M4 (116mm) 此款防水壳已停产 请购买 Nexus D810 并注明要改装成给 D700 用 下单后约3星期到货 [规格] 颜色: 银色 耐水深: 75 meters 尺寸: 316×203×138mm(宽×高×深) 材质: 防腐蚀铝合金 重量: 2,268g (陆上) [防水壳客制选项] 型号 ..
品牌: INON Model: 4562121436183
[说明] M67-LD 镜头座转接环主要是设计给28LD Mount兼容产品转接M67 Mount系列镜头 "UCL-330 Close-up Lens" / "UCL-165M67 Close-up Lens". 用. *使用此转接环会有很明显的暗角, 需将镜头变焦至望远程才可以消除暗角. [规格] ■ Weight: **g (**oz) [air] / approx.**g (**oz) [underwater]  ..
品牌: INON Model: 4562121436107
[说明] Dual use for land/underwater. Ultra Wide Converter underwater and Fish-eye Converter in air (100.8° underwater / 179.0° air) . Upcoming dedicated super wide option [Dome Lens Unit II for UWL-H100] widen its view angle and enables to get almost same view angle underwater as in air(*1..
品牌: INON Model: 4562121436152
[说明] The LD Lens Holder is attached to INON Arm / Grip Base to carry 28LD mount series attachment lens to help easy and speedy lens replacement underwater. You can choose single or double carriage configuration when you install the accessory on your Arm system. In combination with optional "..
品牌: INON Model: 4562121436145
[Description] The LD Lens Holder is attached to INON Arm / Grip Base to carry 28LD mount series attachment lens to help easy and speedy lens replacement underwater. In combination with optional "AD-LD Mount Converter for UCL-165AD" / "M67-LD Mount Converter for UCL-330/165M67"..
品牌: INON Model: 4562121436169
[说明] 28LD Mount系列浮力灯臂镜头座, 可在浮力灯臂上放置镜头, 方便取用. 最多可以装设两个镜头座在灯臂上.   [规格] ■ Weight: **g (**oz) [air] / approx.**g (**oz) [underwater]  ..
品牌: INON Model: 4562121436176
[说明] AD-LD 镜头座转接环主要是设计给28LD Mount兼容产品转接AD Mount系列镜头 "UCL-165AD Close-up Lens" 用. *使用此转接环会有很明显的暗角, 需将镜头变焦至望远程才可以消除暗角. [规格] ■ Weight: **g (**oz) [air] / approx.**g (**oz) [underwater]  ..
品牌: Anthis Model: anthis_D70D90
[说明] 包含: 1. 一般观景窗 2. 电源控制 3. 对焦模式控制 4. 快门控制钮 5. 光圈控制钮 6. 对焦点控制钮 7. 删除杆 8. 控制背盖 9. PASM 控制盖 10. 背盖切削..
品牌: Anthis Model: anthis_E3E5
[规格] 如需任何资讯烦请联系我们: [email protected]..
品牌: Anthis Model: 31306
[说明] Anthis Nexus for Olympus E-5 防水盒, 镜头罩为M6尺寸 [规格] 耐水深: 75m 颜色: Siliver 重量: 2176g (land) 材质: Aluminium Alloy 尺寸: 317 x 175 x 138 mm..
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