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品牌: F.I.T. Model: FO-I1-4
[说明] 采用日本原装进口光纤 內蕊1300C, 讯号传输效果佳 新设计L型接头光纤线 for INON D-2000 Type1~4, Z-240 Type1~4, S-2000, Z-330 Type1/Type2, D-200 Type1/Type2 闪灯专用 一边接头为INON Type1~4闪灯感应器接头, 另一边接头则无, 可用于大多品牌防水壳 也可用于Sea&Sea 防水壳..
品牌: F.I.T. Model: FO-I4
[说明] 采用日本原装进口光纤 內蕊1300C, 讯号传输效果佳 新设计L型接头光纤线 for INON D-2000 Type4, Z-240 Type4, S-2000, Z-330 Type1/Type2, D-200 Type1/Type2 闪灯专用 一边接头为INON Type4闪灯感应器接头, 另一边接头则无, 可用于大多品牌防水壳 也可用于Sea&Sea 防水壳..
品牌: INON Model: inon_o-ring_set_z240
[说明] INON O-Ring 替换组 for Z-240/Z-220F/Z-220S/Z-220/Z-330/D-200 包含 (电池盒 O-Ring, 接头 O-Ring)..
品牌: INON Model: inon_o-ring_le
[说明] INON 备用 O-Ring 组 for LE 系列摄影灯/对焦灯 一组二条..
品牌: INON Model: inon_battery_box_o-ring
[说明] INON 闪灯电池盒备用 O-Ring for Z-240/Z-330/D-200/S-2000/D-2000..
品牌: INON Model: inon_arm_o-ring
[说明] INON 灯臂 O-Ring..
品牌: Anthis Model: 43202
[说明] Anthis 对焦模式选择杆套件(FMS) for Nexus D700 相容防水壳序号:0941764~ 产品序号: ND700FMSK..
品牌: INON Model: 4562121436497
[说明] ●“Stick Arm” ・ Designed as a stick shape to have less water resistant, ample durability and super lightweight body all together.   ・ Together with wide variety of optional accessories, “Lens Holder” or “Arm Float” is attached on the middle of..
品牌: INON Model: 4562121436480/4562121438750
[说明] ●“Stick Arm” ・ Designed as a stick shape to have less water resistant, ample durability and super lightweight body all together.   ・ Together with wide variety of optional accessories, “Lens Holder” or “Arm Float” is attached on the middle of..
品牌: INON Model: 4562121436473/4562121438743
[说明] ●“Stick Arm” ・ Designed as a stick shape to have less water resistant, ample durability and super lightweight body all together.   ・ Together with wide variety of optional accessories, “Lens Holder” or “Arm Float” is attached on the middle of..
品牌: INON Model: 4562121436466/4562121438736
[说明] ●“Stick Arm” ・ Designed as a stick shape to have less water resistant, ample durability and super lightweight body all together.   ・ Together with wide variety of optional accessories, “Lens Holder” or “Arm Float” is attached on the middle of..
品牌: INON Model: 4562121436701
[说明] ● INON多圆球灯臂 “Multi Ball Arm” 多圆球灯臂是INON全新设计、轻量化、模组化的灯臂,可透过箝制夹(Clamp III)转接其他灯臂与闪灯对焦灯等等,也可加装棒型灯臂浮力片 S (Stick Arm Float S)增加浮力,或可选购热靴座“Shoe Base”或圆球底座 “Direct Base III”再转接其他配件如镜头座或对焦灯. (*1) (*1) 多圆球灯臂SS无法安装 热靴座“Shoe Base”或圆球底座 “Direc..
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