FITpro Bunny 的 Snoot 束光效果:_TIN5319_TIN5308

我們以 Big Blue 的小海龜手環 示範,Bunny 內附兩個不同口徑的 Snoot,一個比較寬一個比較窄,比較寬的 Snoot 打在 FUN-IN 字樣,比較窄的 Snoot 打在小海龜上,只要利用縮光圈再提高 ISO 的黑背景微距攝影技巧,就可以拍出只有被 Snoot 打光的小海龜,而其他小海龜融入黑背景的經典黑背景微距照。只要善用 FITpro Bunny 和攝影技巧,你也可以是水攝比賽的常勝軍!

Why black backgrounds?
1. artsy
2. stylish
3. sleek
4. can make a colorful marine life “pop”

With FITpro Bunny, underwater photographers can create this effect through LED positioning and proper camera setting. We offer 2 snoots with different diameters suitable for several types of images.The snoot has to be positioned close enough to the subject to maintain the small point of light.